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Home of clean code

Customizable static code analysis that works in your IDE, CI/CD pipelines and more

Static Code Analysis

Use rules from the Codiga Hub and design your own static code analysis rules in 5 minutes. Codiga static code analysis works in VS Code, JetBrains, VisualStudio, GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket.

codiga code analysis annotations

    Works everywhere from your IDE to CI/CD

    VS Code, JetBrains, VisualStudio, GitHub, Gitlab and Bitbucket.

    Autofix code

    Fix vulnerabilities and coding issues in a click


    Instantaneous code analysis with fixes in your IDE


    OWASP 10, MITRE CWE, Sans/CWE Top 25: we got you covered.


Codiga in the Software Development Life Cycle

Codiga offers a birds-eye view of your code quality. The Codiga dashboard reports all important metrics about your code quality, showing the overall number of code violations, duplicates long and complex functions.

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE1,1 to 1,70: Do not useformat string in MySQLqueries, it leads to SQLinjections

Step 1
Write software in your IDE

Codiga detects issues in real-time in your IDE and suggests fixes.

Supported IDE's
Git Hook SuccessCode meets qualitystandards.Code does not meet quality standards.Git Hooks Error

Step 2
git hooks

Codiga checks your code before pushing to avoid pushing a branch if there are outstanding issues.

Code safe to deploy.SuccessCode not safe to deploy.Error

Step 3
Code review checks

Codiga analyzes each pull request, flags any code violations, duplicate, long or complex function.

Learn more
The code was deployedsuccessfully.Deploy

Step 4
Code in production

Codiga has the historical analysis of all errors for each commit of your code.

Learn more

We support the most popular languages and libraries

Start writing better code today

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