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Experience your sound

WZRD augments your audio with immersive video powered by artificial intelligence
WZRD Intro Video Poster

Made with WZRD πŸ€™

When a painting comes to life

The Egg


Reid Willis - The Ocean Won’t Allow

WZRD is built for CREATORS

Musical artists
With our AI music video generator you can take your music video and live performance to the next level.
Embed the mindblowing visuals from our wizard AI music video generator in your next ad.
Create an unprecedented visual experience for your next event using our AI music video generator.

How does this magic ✨ work?

πŸ”Š  Audio analysis

Our audio analysis pipeline can detect percussion and harmonic elements, which are used to drive different parts of the video.

πŸ‘  Visual engine

WZRD's magic works by using audio elements to drive a machine learning technique called a neural network. This results in an entirely new kind of visual experience.

πŸŽ₯  Video render

Finally, a full video render is performed and combined with your audio. Enjoy!

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Create a video in a couple of minutes